Video on the Weird laws Around The World

Published on Jul 9, 2013
Here are Top 10 Strangest and Weirdest Laws from Around the World. Thanks for Watching. Please Subscribe, Like, Share and Comment.

Most of us will never spend any time dredging through the mountainous volumes of laws that constitute a legal code, which is a shame. Because hidden among the expected laws barring disorderly conduct and reckless driving are some astoundingly weird decrees. In Louisiana, for instance, there's a law specifically aimed at alligator thieves. The law goes so far as to state what parts of the alligator are protected from theft and, based on the value of a given alligator, what the penalty is for stealing it (for the curious, the maximum penalty includes 10 years in prison and a $3,000 fine).

As peculiar as such laws are, they offer a unique glimpse into the societies where they're enforced. So read on to learn more about the top 10 weird laws around the world.
Laws are defined as the system of rules in a particular society or community in order to lead it in a better way. There are many laws which are made in different societies. The person who breaks the law is given punishment. Few of the people say that laws are meant to be broken but this is a wrong perception. Laws are made to make the people govern themselves. Laws give us the direction to live our lives in a better way.
People from all over the world are obliged to abide by the laws. All countries of the world have different laws. The citizens of those countries are recommended to abide by the laws. Few of the countries have very weird laws few of them are as under. They're all quite bizarre we round up some more of the world's most bizarre and antiquated laws.

HERE is a list of the world's most ridiculous laws or urban myths - were not quite sure... let us know which ones you think are real.
Did you know that it is illegal to die in Britain's Houses of Parliament? Or that in France it is against the law to name a pig Napoleon?

The Times of London has compiled a list of 25 of the world's strangest laws. Topping the list is a British law that says the head of any dead whale found on a beach belongs to the king, while the tail belongs to the queen.

Some other wacky rules include a Florida law that says unmarried women can be jailed for parachuting on Sundays or a London law that forbids taxis from carrying rabid dogs or corpses.Whether or not anyone has been convicted of any of these crimes seems less questionable than how they became laws in the first place. The police in Ohio must be busy making sure no one breaks the law by getting a fish drunk.
Here is the Times' list of the world's most ridiculous laws.

People do strange things, therefore weird laws are written to help straighten them out. Some of these bizarre laws almost seem like urban myths or too ridiculous to be real, yet odd as they are, they were created for a reason. Some of these laws date back several hundred years and were never changed or eliminated and make very little sense in today's world, but nonetheless these weird laws found all around world do exist.

Weird laws—from a stiletto ban in Greece to the pinball crackdown in South Carolina—give travel a unique flavor. They're a way for destinations to look travelers square in the face and say, "We do things a little differently around here." We've rounded up 10 surprisingly strange laws from around the world to help you avoid fines, jail or spending your next vacation on the lam. World's weirdest laws.

These are the Oddest, Strangest, Weirdest Laws around the World.
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Meanwhile in Germany Jail...
Should have told me sooner..:(

I live in the UAE and i see people eating on Ramadan like every day!

The only strange law is the one from Singapore....

omg,your are right :(

isn't  it strange that you didn't include any of the really crazy laws in America case there are Manny messed up laws there I could male a 5 hour video of them! You should learn that even your home country has messed up things.

Agreed with GXDTriqa its actually not strange its just the islam religion in the UAE you only eat untill maghrib ramadan is only one month...

Number 7 should have been: It's alright to fuck animals in Denmark as long as they are not hurt... That doesn't make me proud of being Danish.

Most of these are actually pretty good ideas :/

How is number 6 strange? It's wierd that they want to preserve a monument?

#1 nd #2 r really weird

Indeed they are. Thanks for watching

number 9 isn't that strange its just because of the religion over there iv been to the UAE its not that bad

I admit. those are some pretty strange laws

Wow very interesting laws half if em I. Didnt even know awesome video keep it up!!


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