Singapore Laws

Assalamualaikum w.b.t and welcome to my blog. Today I am going to share about the topic that i choose for my blog assignment for subject Digital & Mobile Communication (ITE 3533) which is the weird law in some part of the world. So now lets us proceed with the first country which is Singapore.

In Singapore, there have several weird laws in this country, however I will only take those I feel the weirdest of all laws in that country such as we will get fined if we did not flush after we had used the restroom, and connecting on unsecured Wi-Fi hotspots mean hacking.

Basically, it make sense for human beings like us to flush the toilet after we had done using it, however, there is some part of the people won’t usually flush it right after they had done. If they were caught in Singapore they might get fined for only that. The worst is, the police officers will check on public restroom regularly to catch those who did not flush the toilet after they had used it.

The others is connecting to unsecured WI-fi hotspots means hacking. Some place in Singapore provides Wi-fi in order to make the travelers or people who stay in Singapore use the Wi-fi to call their family or friends, or maybe let them feel relaxed in that place, but not all of the Wi-fi is a secured network. If we use the unsecured network and caught using that unsecured network, the police will charge us for hacking and basically the police will given two choices of penalty. The first is the users could end up in jail, whereas others is the users need to pay a large amount of fine.

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