Greek,& Florida Weird Laws

So now lets us proceed to the other two countries that i feel have the weirdest law which are the Greek,and Florida. 

Illegal to use high-heels in Greece
In the Greek, it is prohibited to wear any type of stiletto heels even though it is the trend for youngster to wear it as to look more stylish and fashionista.The reason behind this statement is, Greece is taking a hard line in heels, with a policy that prohbits shoes that 'wound the monuments'. The new guidelines will help to preserve ancient sites like Anthens' Odeon of Herod Atticus and etc.

Prohibited to spit in public.
In Florida it is illegitimate to spit in public. Daytona Beach is one of the most beautiful beach that everybody love to spend their time most especially with their loved ones, families or their friends. It is the best way for them to have a walk at sidewalks with confidently without seeing people spitting along the sidewalks. The city's code of ordinance declares that it does not allow any person to spit upon the streets or sidewalks or in public buildings or places within city limits. So if you are in Daytona Beach just walks straight and do not worry about stepping one someone else spit.

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