Thailand, & Canada Weird Laws

Besides Singapore,Greece,and Florida, the other three countries that have also the weirdest law is Thailand,  Venice and Canada. 

King image on the currencies
In Thailand it is illegal for us to step on the currency as Thailand worships their king. Every portrait of the ruler has always been hung in a higher place in a room as a mark of respect and honor as well as it is very illegal for tourism and the local people to criticize the King. Since the King's image is on all currencies, stepping on money is equivalent to stepping on the king's face ,which it shows that we disrespect to him.

Illegal to use more than 25 changes in a
However, in Canada, the weird law that i found is penny overuse. Across the provinces, it is illegal to use more that 25 changes in a transaction which it is something to remember next time when you are trying to use up all your Canadian currency at the end of a vacation. We could still use the money, but then again we will not receive back our money as change as it will be rounding up or down.

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